10 years of Confindustria Radio TV


With the slogan Diffondiamo valore” (We Spread Value”), Confindustria Radio Televisioni will celebrate its first 10 years of activity on November 30th.

The anniversary will be marked during the Annual Assembly, held at Cinema Barberini in Rome (Piazza Barberini 24/26), starting at 9:45 AM. The event will be an opportunity to review the activities carried out by CRTV over these years of significant innovation (as well as major international challenges, from the pandemic to ongoing wars) and to outline strategies for the sector in a constantly evolving technological context, amidst digital transition and artificial intelligence.

On the agenda, following the opening speech by the Association’s President Franco Siddi, are speeches by AGCOM President Giacomo Lasorella, Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso, and Confindustria President Carlo Bonomi.