The TV of Tomorrow and the Value of OTT


The HD Forum Italia (HDFI) meeting program focuses on the most significant transformations in the sector and the technological applications, as well as the user experience.

A more customized and innovative TV: this is the trend highlighted by the words of the HDFI leaders presenting the webinars scheduled in the coming weeks, leading to the major hybrid event next November. President Benito Manlio Mari emphasized the value of the association’s first 15 years: “An important milestone that marks the maturation of our association, which brings together industry leaders. We do not create technical specifications, but we cooperate to harmonize international standards and apply them to the specific national reality.”

Mari highlights the association’s international success, “also thanks to the Ultra HD Book,” focusing on the significant transformations of the past 15 years: “A market once managed by RTV entities has now evolved into a sophisticated scenario, with the very definition of media companies. Everything has changed, including consumption paradigms, and technologies have had to adapt their essence in both techniques and methods. The essence of HD Forum Italia is to always be attentive and focused on innovation.”

This year, the focus will be on OTT, “a phenomenon that has characterized consumption transformations in recent years. The concept of linear consumption has been emphasized, revealing the need to understand whether OTT can become the ideal platform for the future. Innovation and HDFI aim to observe new developments, so it is essential to delve into this topic and discover how linear TV can adapt to new consumption logics through its potential.”

Echoing the President’s words, Giovanni Venuti, HDFI consultant and chairman of the scheduled webinars, says: “Only with recent reopenings has data traffic moderately decreased, but the intensive use of networks and streaming will remain a trend that is unlikely to fade in the short term. An ongoing change that sees on-demand television as a key player. This is why HDFI has decided to focus on the topic of OTT this year, looking at this phenomenon and its applications for linear TV. We will certainly witness a migration of TV content to the network in the future, and with the scheduled webinars, we will discuss OTT and its possibilities, including user experience and regulation.”